Master, We Perish

  • 12" Out of stock
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At A Loss Recordings
AAL043 - 2013

12"EP comes with free download card.  

"The Body return with 3 brand new tracks pushing their experimental doomed and blackend heavy sound ever forward! Since the release of 2010's critically lauded "All The Waters Of The Earth Turns To Blood", The Body have toured as the stripped down duo and the added ensemble, and collaborators on various releases, of the ethereal voices of the Assembly Of Light Choir (S/T - 2012) and the orchestral drone of Braveyoung (Nothing Passes - 2011).

The blackened punk / hardcore burst of "The Ebb And Flow Of Tides In A Sea Of Ash" w/ the contrast of Chip King's screeches and Leslie Weitz (Otesanek) growls cumlminating in noise and feedback. Beaut?ful yet erie sound of Chrissy Wolpert (Assembly Of Light Choir) & Reba Mitchell's (Whore Paint) vocals contrast w/ a women's saddened confession of mental anguish. A pump of a shotgun, a sludgy foreshadow moves to a explosion of sound and tortured screams. Hypnotic tribal rythms, feedback and noise erupts into the slow crush of low end and the bellowing of "an end to beliefs and an end to these truths"!" - At A Loss 

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  • 1 The Ebb and Flow of Tides in a Sea of Ash
  • 2 The Blessed Lay Down and Writhe in Agony
  • 3 Worship

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